The performance of the devices is not only due to the implementation

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The performance of the devices is not only due to the implementation

Post by Sojib » Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:24 pm

Or even less than before, at Meta, Google or TikTok? You have to break away from the idea that the success of a campaign is conditioned by a substantial volume of investment. It is mainly a good mix between technical mastery, experience, and (of course) means implemented. The amount allocated is not the primary factor impacting campaign results. It is not enough to bet a lot to ensure a good return on investment. You must first find the right KPIs and then use the management to its optimal potential. To do this, we must get out of the learning phase of the campaigns with as many lessons as possible. This step is well conditioned by a minimum of volume (you need a sufficient statistical sample to train the algorithm well) but you do not need to invest millions from the start.

On the advertiser side, we can legitimately ask Email Data ourselves questions about GDPR compliance when we imagine sending customer files to our marketing agency. How do you reassure your customers on this point? On the agency side, the data absolutely does not pass through our media teams. We simply support advertisers in importing to the platform.After importing a database, Facebook guarantees the security of the data and its non-use by third parties, both internally in its teams and in its tool. Beyond targeting itself, what makes it possible to achieve superior performance when setting up a social ads campaign? The performance of the devices is not only due to the implementation of a well-configured campaign or a millimetric media strategy.


Strategic planning and creation have their place, upstream, to build an appropriate and effective media strategy. Social ads are not magic: like any communication and acquisition lever, campaigns on social networks are very largely subject to the overall brand strategy (price, product, offer, brand platform, business model, study of target…). In short: if you have a bad message or a product that no one needs, social ads can't work miracles. Since the use of similar audiences and retargeting should become widespread, do you think we should bet everything on the "data" approach? Absolutely. It's no coincidence that all agencies follow Facebook and offer the same data-based targeting options. I am thinking in particular of TikTok, which is greatly inspired by it.

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